Crystalline Silica Safety Training

Crystalline Silica Safety Training

Crystalline silica is a commonly found mineral in many materials used throughout the world. Construction workers may be exposed to crystalline silica when working with materials such as concrete, bricks, mortar, and stone. The cutting, grinding, or drilling of these materials can create airborne particles of crystalline silica that are harmful when inhaled.

Overexposure to these particles can lead to serious health problems, including lung cancer and Silicosis. Because of this, it’s important for anyone who works with materials that contain crystalline silica to receive safety training.

How Does Crystalline Silica Safety Training Work?

Crystalline silica safety training educates workers on the dangers of exposure to respirable crystalline silica dust and how to protect themselves from this hazard. The training covers topics such as identifying materials containing silica, controlling exposure to airborne particles, and what personal protective equipment should be worn.

Who Should Use Crystalline Silica Safety Training?

Many occupations may involve exposure to crystalline silica, including construction workers, miners, quarry workers, masons, and factory workers. Even people who work with home-building materials or artificial turf may be at risk.

What Are the Benefits of Crystalline Silica Safety Training?

Crystalline silica safety training can help workers avoid the health hazards associated with exposure to respirable crystalline silica dust. It also offers benefits like:

Reduces Health Risks

Crystalline silica safety training can help reduce the number of construction workers who develop Silicosis. This debilitating and often fatal lung disease is caused by exposure to respirable crystalline silica dust.

Crystalline silica safety training can also help to reduce the chances of other health effects from exposure to respirable crystalline silica dust, such as lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and kidney disease.

Maintains a Safe Workplace

Crystalline silica safety training can help employers maintain a safe workplace by educating workers on the hazards of exposure to respirable crystalline silica dust and the importance of using work practices, engineering controls, and personal protective equipment (PPE) to minimize exposure.

When these controls are not enough to protect workers, employers must provide medical surveillance and training for workers exposed to respirable crystalline silica.

Helps Comply with OSHA Regulations

Crystalline silica safety training is required by OSHA’s Crystalline Silica standard for all workers who are exposed to respirable crystalline silica dust at or above the action level. This type of training can help employers meet their obligations under the standard and avoid penalties for non-compliance.

Improves Morale and Teamwork

When safety is a priority, it can improve morale and teamwork among employees. If workers feel that their employer cares about their safety, they may be more likely to work together to maintain a safe workplace. In turn, this can lead to increased productivity and fewer accidents.

Think Safety Always Offers the Best Crystalline Silica Safety Training!

At Think Safety Always, we offer the best crystalline silica safety training available. Our training covers all the topics required by OSHA’s Crystalline Silica standard, and our instructors are experts in construction safety.
Click here to learn more about our safety training offerings, or call us today!

Tags: Crystalline Silica Safety Training, OSHA Training

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